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Amuleti della Collezione del Museo d'Arte Cinese ed Etnografico

Emilio Iurman

The volume “Amuleti della collezione del Museo d'Arte Cinese ed Etnografico di Parma” by E. Iurman introduces the symbols of Chinese culture found in the coin good-luck charms of the collection of the Museum of Chinese Art and Ethnography of the Xaverian missionaries in Parma. It is a novelty for Italy. The research done allows to understand better these charms, and at the same time, enter more deeply into the Chinese culture.

Discover the charm of Chinese symbols, with a total of 111 Chinese good-luck charms against evil spirits, for the Zodiac year, for good-luck, long-life, wealth, etc…

“In a refined culture like the Chinese one, fan of allusions, symbols, references to legends and popular beliefs, these objects are full of charm and allow us to take a look at the insecurities, idiosyncrasies, expectations, beliefs and meaning present in the heart of the Chinese as well as people the world over.
The almost universal circulation of such objects is known. China is no exception. Historical figures, plants, animals and benevolent constellations are evoked in order to keep away harmful spirits and creatures, or to wish happiness, success, career, wealth, etc ... Further, they resort to references and literary recollections, to legendary figures, to significant words, to symbols etc... It is indeed an extraordinary world that is worth discovering" (from the Presentation of the Notebook)

The Museum Booklet is divided into 4 sections. First of all, the Catalog of amulets, divided according to the traditional classifications of Chinese scholars. The explanation of ideograms and iconographic elements in the second section. A glossary of the inscriptions, and a glossary of the symbols. The fourth section includes the 111 photos of the good-luck charms.

Edition Museo d’Arte Cinese ed Etnografico, Parma, 2014
Printing Graphital Edizioni
Study book of the Museum 2 – Amuleti della collezione del Museo d’Arte Cinese ed Etnografico di Parma.
Pages 64, illustrated. Price: € 15.
FaLang translation system by Faboba