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New book: Amuleti Cinesi della Collezione

10 June 2014

Amuleti della collezione del Museo d'Arte Cinese ed Etnografico di Parma (Iurman Emilio)

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The volume “Amuleti della collezione del Museo d'Arte Cinese ed Etnografico di Parma” by E. Iurman introduces the symbols of Chinese culture found in the coin good-luck charms of the collection of the Museum of Chinese Art and Ethnography of the Xaverian missionaries in Parma.

It is a novelty for Italy. The research done allows to understand better these charms, and at the same time, enter more deeply into the Chinese culture.

Discover the charm of Chinese symbols, with a total of 111 Chinese good-luck charms against evil spirits, for the Zodiac year, for good-luck, long-life, wealth, etc…

In ITALIAN - Pages 64, illustrated. - Price: € 15.
FaLang translation system by Faboba